Perfekcionista és nem perfekcionista serdülők szociálisprobléma-megoldásának és szorongásának jellemzői

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Kasik László
Gál Zita
Nagy Zoltán


This research aimed to explore the characteristics and the relationship of social-problem solving and anxiety in non-perfectionist, adaptive perfectionist and maladaptive perfectionist adolescents (grade 6, 11-12-year-olds: n=155; grade 10, 16-17-year-olds: n=150). The instruments used included the Almost Perfect Scale Revised (APSR; Slaney et al., 2001); the Frost Perfectionism Scale (FMPS; Frost et al., 1990); the Social Problem Solving Inventory–Revised (SPSI–R; D’Zurilla et al., 2002); and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory–Children (STAI–C; Sipos et al., 1978). Reliability values (Cronbach-α) were found to be appropriate for all instruments in both age groups (SPSI–R: 0.73–0.89; FMPS: 0.72–0.85; APSR: 0.76–0.86; STAI–C: 0.79–0.87). Based on the results with APSR, almost two-third of the adolescents in each age group could be considered perfectionists; and two-third of them exhibited the signs of adaptive perfectionism, while one-third of them showed the signs of maladaptive perfectionism in both age groups. In line with previous findings, negative orientation, avoidance, fear of failure, concern over parental criticism, and high personal expectations were most characteristic of maladaptive perfectionists in both age groups. Trait anxiety was highest among older maladaptive perfectionist adolescents. Findings highlight the need to pay more attention to maladaptive perfectionist adolescents in schools, as it seems to have a strong tie with social-problem solving even at the start of adolescence, and together with anxiety, it supposedly results in less effective life choices.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Kasik, L., Gál, Z., & Nagy, Z. (2021). Perfekcionista és nem perfekcionista serdülők szociálisprobléma-megoldásának és szorongásának jellemzői. Magyar Pedagógia, 121(2), 189–208.