Tankönyvi szövegek nyelvi feldolgozhatóságának mutatói és vizsgálati módszerei

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Lukács Ágnes
Rácz Péter
Kas Bence


The aim of our study is to provide an overview of methods to investigate linguistic markers of textbook texts and their impact on readability and processability, and to propose objective criteria for assessing the readability of Hungarian textbooks. To this end, after formulating the general requirements of readability, we present results on the relevant factors of text processability at each language level, and then review the readability formulas and calculation methods introduced in other languages, including their applicability to Hungarian. Finally, we propose a set of criteria for measuring text processability to be introduced in Hungary on the basis of the methods reviewed in the paper.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Lukács, Ágnes, Rácz, P., & Kas, B. (2022). Tankönyvi szövegek nyelvi feldolgozhatóságának mutatói és vizsgálati módszerei. Magyar Pedagógia, 122(2), 65–88. https://doi.org/10.14232/mped.2022.2.65

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